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inhibition constant中文是什么意思

用"inhibition constant"造句"inhibition constant"怎么读"inhibition constant" in a sentence


  • 抑制常数
  • 阻聚常数


  • Amidolytic assay of thrombin approved that the recombinant haemadin does have the antithrombin activity . its inhibition constant
    通过以chromozym th为底物的凝血酶酰胺水解实验证实了其体外生物学活性:其抑制凝血酶常数为2 . 460 . 13 10
  • The activity of the phenol biosensor was inhibited by benzoic acid through reversible competitive inhibition mechanism and the inhibition constant is 33 . 8 u . m . the inhibition was influenced by ph value of the determined solution and increased with decreasing ph
    苯甲酸对该酚传感器有竞争性可逆抑制作用,抑制常数为33 . 8 m ;溶液ph对抑制作用有较大影响,抑制作用随着ph的降低而逐渐增强。
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